Installed at Apex Art, 2010

As part of Sandra Skurvida's curatorial project 'Avant-Guide to NYC: Discovering Absence',
we invited Gracie Mansion and Sur Rodney (Sur) to return after twenty five years
to the sites of two of their previous galleries in the East Village.
One is a store at Avenue A, where we invited them to buy something they wanted.
At the other, now an Italian restaurant by the name of Gnocco, we ate dinner
almost within the budget specified by the project, and spent the night discussing.
The evening was recorded in various formats.

"caraballo-farman recover a site to trace its changing use...
they produce a video and juxtapose a current menu with a 1983 checklist
from the former gallery, thus slyly collpasing commercialization and gentrification."
-- Lori Cole, Art Forum