Regarding The Horror - The Billboard Project, LAXART, Los Angeles, 2009 (night view)

Regarding The Horror - The Billboard Project, LAXART, Los Angeles, 2009 (day view)

Images of people around the world reacting in horror were collected for years from internet news sources, then heavily manipulated, isolated, resized and digitally re-painted, focusing on the face as a reflection of the event.

Regarding The Horror - The Heirloom Plates Set
Installation at Havana Biennial, Cuba, 2009

Installation detail

As a comment on the domestication of our reaction to horror as mere spectators, the images were returned via the internet to a site for personalized items in order to be printed on 'heirloom' plates, where usually images of the happy family, pets and corporate logos appear. The ceramic plates also create a tension through their fragility, as though the reactions they contain might shatter them.